Kristin Dwyer grew up under the California sun and still prays every day for a cloudy sky. When she’s not writing books about people kissing, she and her spouse can be found encouraging their four overly opinionated misfits to get into trouble. Kristin is a part-time hair model and wants you to know she is full-time TSA PRECHECK, and one time a credible news outlet asked for her opinion on K-pop (it was the best day of her life). Please do not talk to her about your fandom, she will try to join.
Other random things about Kristin Dwyer:
- is a Sagittarius sun, Pisces moon, Scorpio rising. Enneagram 7w8. MBTI- ESFP.
- wants to know: who your bias is / what’s your favorite drama / what’s your favorite song.
- thinks the best sport is Hockey. GO SHARKS!
- loves travel and history and culture and getting lost in “big” places.
- has a potty mouth.
- is always looking for poetry and romance novels.
- believes in fanfiction.
- Team Logan. Team Edward. Team Warner. Team Kim Shin.
- favorite Disney Princess is Lottie from Princess and the Frog.
- Coffee over Tea.
- Pho over Ramen.
- can handle more spice than you think she can.
- habitually paints her nails.
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